Dawn VanKley-Imes
Core Faculty
Dawn recently retired after 30 years of teaching at Prairie Hill Waldorf School. While there, she taught Handwork, Woodworking, Form Drawing, and Choir. She was a Board member, Faculty Chair, Festivals Committee Chair, and participated in an array of mandate groups. She also teaches Handwork at both Great Lakes Waldorf Institute and Lifeways in Wisconsin.
An active learner, Dawn has attended many workshops expanding her work as both a faculty member and a craftsman. She has a BA in Studio Art and Psychology from Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, where her first love was clay. She has led workshops in dyeing, knitting, felting, crocheting, spinning, and puppet- and doll-making.
Dawn completed the Juniper Tree Puppetry Training through Suzanne Down in 2005, attended Handwork Conferences at Kimberton Waldorf School with Margareta Eischenholz, and has done Foundation Year Course work at Arcturus in Chicago, IL.